Meditation Challenge: Day #4

Meditation Day 4 – Om Namah Shivaya (ONS)
Well, this is a tool that is really working for me. Today I picked up my Japa-lite beads and centered myself. Almost immediately the mantra kicked in without me even moving my fingers from one bead to the next. I quickly fell into a rhythm – some silent, some audible – and found myself feeling the same kind of powerful energy rising within me and filling the healing space around me.
One intriguing part was imagining the sound of drumming that was in time with the mantra, so I think that will be something I try out. Otherwise, the meditation was rich with meaningful symbolism about a personal situation in my life and also brought more clarity to me about some business and creative goals. Amazingly with all of this, the time in meditation flew by! I’m pretty sure I was in meditation for more than 30 minutes without even trying.
Yesterday I ordered some Japa beads so that I could actually do the 108 repetitions without trying to keep track of how many times I circled my Japa-lite bracelet. After today, I wonder if I will need to use them at all!
Interestingly, I also told a friend who is similarly exploring ways to connect with herself about the Japa meditation and she said she had just the day before heard of Japa beads. Maybe I’ll give the beads to her.
Side note – I have found myself both a) continuing to color and b) slipping back into the electronics a little, at least yesterday. I’ll give myself a little grace for it though because I was using it for a research poll and was super excited to read the feedback I got in the moment. I also spent about an hour looking at what I jokingly call “dog porn” meaning listings for dogs available for adoption. I didn’t adopt a dog, but I did order a simple mandala coloring book which I am excited to try!
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