Meditation Challenge: Day #7

Meditation Day 7 – Om Shanti Om
Searching for a new mantra to try on the last day of this challenge, I came across “Om Shanti Om.” One of my favorite yoga teachers ends every class with “Om Shanti, Om Peace” so I feel a bit of a connection to this phrase.
While I was looking for a song or example of this mantra in use, I unexpectedly came across this song. It’s not exactly meditative, but it is kind of fun. Take a listen!
Anyway, my plan was to use this phrase as my meditation focal point either with or without music. However, in the end, I decided to go “old school” and just try meditating without beads, music, or a specific mantra today.
It was pretty easy to get quiet and centered but within a few moments, the phrase, “Be still and know I am God” came to my mind. After repeating it silently a few times, I was reminded of some exercises I did with this phrase in my former church. One of those is Lectio Divina in which you read, meditate, pray, and contemplate a particular verse or phrase to experience it more fully.
Another exercise is to break the verse apart as you say it, feeling the power in each word or phrase individually and collectively. I decided to look for a recording of that being repeated to help me feel it more deeply. While this is short, it is a powerful version of the verse being repeated in song and explains why saying or singing a mantra or verse out loud is helpful.
For those looking for a Guided Meditation about this verse, you may want to check this out.
It’s the last day of the meditation challenge and I really feel like I made some major breakthroughs. My meditation practice is richer, and I have quite a few new tools to enhance my superpower of getting quiet within.
I know other opportunities to learn and grow in this area will continue to present themselves. One of those came today when I saw a random shout-out on Facebook for Beth Quist, a hypnotic vocal artist. Her voice and music seem perfect for meditation, or at least escaping into another reality for a bit.
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