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The Calm After the Storm

It's been a little almost 5 weeks since Hurricane Helene blew past the condo where Gael and I were staying in St. Augustine, Florida during the 2024 Massage & Spa Success Summit. In the moment it was a little scary, but also kind of a fun adventure since we were doing it together.  We took time to visit The Tipsy Duck, a fun bath and body shop/lounge, and also brave the elements to observe the outer edge of the storm firsthand.

At the time, we obviously had no idea the impact it would have on our home state of North Carolina or on Boone, the town where Gael lives. That would reveal itself in time and the full extent of the jaw-dropping damage in Western NC is still continuing to be uncovered. Though we were so grateful to be safe in FL, the impact of what happened miles away hit both of us on a very deep level.

Just two weeks later, as Gael and her neighbors pulled together to put their town back together, I experienced the drama of Hurricane Milton in my own living room. Again, I was blessed to have little damage where I live though I definitely went through a wild ride of emotions as the wind and rain blew all around me.

After the pre-storm anxiety subsided and the calm of experiencing the powerful dance of nature expressing itself, a feeling of calm understanding washed over me. I think I finally understand part of why it seems people in Florida have always seemed happier than others I've met - it's because they made it through another hurricane.

Humor aside, in the case of Milton and Helene, there is still a lot to recover from in many parts of NC, FL, and the states in between. Though we both sustained minimal property damage in the storms, Gael and I have both stepped back to tend to our own mental health and self-care. If you noticed we've both been less visible and quieter than normal, this is a big part of why. 

In addition, just before the literal winds and rains of change came along, Gael and I made the decision to put a pause on the podcast, at least as partners. Shortly after launching SheVolve, we found ourselves unexpectedly being drawn in different directions.  As much as we love what we've done, we recognized the moment for what it was and decided to let go. 

Moving forward, Gael will be focusing her attention on her online business and other projects related to the massage and spa industry. My work continues to center around coaching, consulting, writing, teaching, and speaking. I'll keep sharing my ongoing insights, adventures, offers, and classes in my newsletters and hope to relaunch the podcast in early 2025. 

Gael and I have both grown and benefitted considerably from working together, deepened our friendship, and will continue to collaborate on future projects. We both feel really blessed by working together on From the Heart and SheVolve - and in knowing others have benefitted from our conversations. 

Visit me and learn more about what I’m working on at!


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We have come to a fork in the road - and we are taking it! Like you, we are ready to “she-volve” into our best selves.

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