Felicia's 1st Challenge: Give Up Electronics for 1 Hour a Day

Detach from electronics for 1 hour a day (or more) to putter, free think, nap, be creative, rest or do nothing.
In our first episode, Gael and I talked about letting go of electronics - intentionally - to make space for trying out some of the other things we explore on the podcast as well to devote time to finding out what makes us happy. I've decided to take this on - as well some of the other super-powers we will discuss - as a 7-day challenge. I think this amount of time will be long enough to try it out and see some results without it becoming too overwhelming (or boring!) for me.
My plan is to post updates and discoveries here every day or so day of the challenge. If you decide to test out this or other new superpowers with us, share your experiences, discoveries, and how you're SheVOLVE-ing in the comments!
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Try out some new superpowers with us and let us know how you're doing, what you're discovering, and how you're SheVOLVE-ing in the comments!