Exploring the "Crush": Part 2

Since the last episode came out, I’ve been in the midst of a bit of transition – moving, donating and donating a lot of personal items. It’s a tiring and emotional process so I have not found the time to write as much as I had been. All is well though and I am really embracing the idea of “having a crush” on my life and on the activities or decisions which are a part of it.
One of those is the experience of selling my car. It’s a pretty funny story and I’m really happy with the way it has turned out.
Continued from Part 1
Driving to the dealership to sell Silver Belle, my beautiful Audi convertible, I definitely had a crush on the feelings of freedom and joy in the moment. It was also important to acknowledge the bitter-sweetness of it, knowing that each curve of the road was leading us closer to an ending, and toward the next destination we are each meant to find.
I also felt…wet. Less than a couple miles into the trip, scattered raindrops began to fall. I reluctantly put the top up but was immediately grateful because the drip drops turned into a downpour complete with heavy winds, lightning, and thunder. Drivers slowed as roads became harder to see. A detour was made to avoid a blind turn and I arrived at the dealership a few minutes late. Even then, rain was falling so hard that I waited for it to slow to avoid me and the car’s interior getting soaked.
Finally, at my destination, I sloshed my way in to check in for my appointment. Rick, the young man at the counter, informed me that it was fine as LIGHTNING had just struck nearby and knocked out their internet. He could not access their software, my records, or anything to do with my car until it came back up. Moments later a fireman rushed in because the dealership's FIRE ALARMS had gone off due to the lightning strike.
Thankfully all was well, but I just had to laugh. I finally made it there and they couldn’t “start” the information engine (the Internet). Too funny!
I sat patiently waiting for about 45 minutes when I finally got my offer letter. My car was ready to be sold – all I had to do accept it was to move my car to a different area, turn in my keys and title to the sales department, and they’d print out a check for the purchase. Easy!
I made my way to the sales counter to finish things up. The sales clerk told me to move my car to another area in the lot, remove any final items from it, and then bring the paperwork back. Also easy!
I removed all my belongings, moved my car again, and headed inside before realizing there were some items still in the glove compartment. However, Audis have a tricky glove box that locks from the inside when the car is off and it was stuck!
I tried everything I knew to do and could not get it open. Back inside, I requested help from a technician thinking they would have a special tool or key to do the job. There was a wait, but eventually a tech arrived and presto, he opened the box totally normally with no problems.
What?! Ummm…I mean l great! Moments later, I got everything out – including $15 in cash I forgot was there – and headed back to the sales desk. The time had finally come to sell Silver Belle.
I turned everything in at the desk. Veronica the sales clerk eagerly took my keys, title, and a little piece of my heart, telling me it would be about 20 minutes before my check was ready. Satisfied but also a little sad, I moved to the waiting room, preparing to call a Lyft as soon as I got paid so I can get back to my other vehicle.
After a few minutes, Veronica called me back. “Cha-ching” I thought as I finished off my vending machine treasure and went over to grab my payment.
“Miss Brown, we cannot buy your car today. Our PRINTER IS DOWN, so I cannot print your check for you now. You will have to come back…tomorrow.”
“WHAT?!” After all the emotional preparation and back and forth I’ve done to get to this moment, I was stunned…and surprisingly, also a little thrilled.
Veronica explained that because the Internet was down, they couldn’t print anything, including my check, and that I had a week to use my offer. I could also leave the car there overnight if that was helpful.
Totally unprepared for this scenario, I processed the information, debating on my next steps...
I could leave the car there and come back to get my check tomorrow.
I could take it to a different dealer and start the process over again.
Or I could just leave, regroup and make a new plan after some rest and thought.
After a few minutes, I decided that Silver Belle and I obviously needed a little more time together. So I walked outside, got in, and drove her off into the stormy-turned-beautifully-sunny afternoon to enjoy some more wind in the hair moments.
I don’t yet know if my crush on my convertible will be for a few more weeks, months, or years. What I do know is that trying to sell her has been a very emotional process. I felt super resistant about it for many reasons I know and others I could not quite figure out. If I am honest, I think all the times I forgot the charger or title was my subconscious telling me NOT to sell her.
I can’t explain all the hang-ups at the dealership the same way. However, if you are someone who believes in signs - and I am - how much bigger of a sign is there than lightning striking the dealership and knocking out their internet moments before I got there? And what about them not being able to print a check – or write one the old-fashioned way (by hand) – and buy my car after all I did to get her there?!
The whole experience really helped me recognize that my emotions and the events around me are all playing a role in showing me where I need to be and what I need to do. It is my job to pay attention, assess, and act accordingly.
What that means for now is that Silver Belle remains a part of my life. And when I feel my crush begin to fade or move in a new direction, I’ll know it is finally time to let her go.
If you want to learn more about how and why SIlver Belle became a part of my life, check out this video on Facebook for details on the start of our adventure!
Visit me and learn more about what I’m working on at FeliciaBrown.com!
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