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Saying Yes: Day #2

I’m headed out of town tomorrow for a long trip. I was originally planning to leave today but felt very stressed about doing. So I changed my mind and will hit the road sometime tomorrow midday. That was a BIG yes to me – doing what I needed instead of following the previous plan. In some ways, it doesn’t make a difference when I leave.

The main event I’m headed to doesn’t start for several days and I have flexibility on my arrival there. However, there are other things on the agenda on the way there - including seeing several friends - and the change will cut short or eliminate some of that togetherness.

But you know what? Seeing them when I am totally frazzled or freaked out won’t benefit any of us. I’m willing to bet we’re all better off because of my decision to listen to my needs instead of saying YES to the stress.

Another way I said yes today is by being in nature. Taking opportunities to be outside – particularly in a park, among the trees, or by the water - is something I rarely turn away from. My new apartment is surrounded by options for all three. So even with packing still to do, I know my mind and body felt so much better after a walk around the neighborhood and a few minutes enjoying the summer breeze on my deck.

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